Server Manager
Enterprise Edition only
All the functionalities shipped within the Server Manager are available only with Knowage Enterprise Edition
In the Server Manager menu panel you find some management functionalities.
Those about Import/Export let you export some configurations or elements from one installation to another. This can be helpful for example in managing a test and a production areas. We are going to give the full description of these functionalities in the following.
Tenants Management
We start this section underlining that only those users who have the superadmin role can use this functionality. Tenants Management is available only for users who possess the Knowage Enterprise Reporting (ER) license. A tenant is generally a user who can or cannot employ specific product types or access some (or all) datasources inside the same environment. Then, this functionality allows you to create new tenants or manage old ones.
In the image above, on the left you have the list of existing tenants. On the top of such list it is available the Search box to help users to browse the tenants. When clicking on the “Plus” icon you can create a new tenant. A form opens on the right area. Insert a Name and a Theme. Then change tabs to set product types access and select which datasources are achievable.
Note that, in a single-tenant environment admin and superadmin coincides. In a multitenants environment (developed then through the Server Manager functionality), only one user has the superadmin role for each tenant, while there can be one or more users with admin role. In particular compared to the admin case, the superadmin has the possibility to manage the multi-tenancy. Moreover, he is the only one who can configure the JNDI datasources and access the cache configuration (through the cache manager menu item).
Template Management
Each Knowage document is associated to a template. The template defines the standard layout of a document, including specific information on its appearance and the way contents should be displayed. Templates can be encoded by hand or using Knowage Studio designers, when available. For each analytical document the history of templates is maintained. Old templates can be restored if needed. A new version is saved at each deployment, either manual or from Knowage Studio.
The Template Management let you choose a starting date before which delete the templates versions. This could be very useful because it allows the administrator to clean the environment and save space in Knowage metadata database once a document life cycle is completed.
First of all you are asked to insert a date by clicking on the calendar icon. Then click the magnifier icon and select the documents you are interested in. The list displayed contains only documents created before the selected date. Clicking the trash icon you delete the template of the selected documents which were uploaded before the chosen date. If all the templates of a document precede the chosen date, the last template uploaded will be kept, so that no document is deleted accidentally. We sum up the steps described in Figure below.
These options are about Import\Export of Gallery, Documents, Menu, Users, KPIs and Catalogs. Let’s focus on each of these features.
This feature let you create and download a .zip of whole or a part of the functions and widgets gallery existing in your Knowage installation. In this way you can upload it in another installation or keep it as backup.
Export Gallery
Below we show the export editor openable through the EXPORT button on the toolbar. Consists in two sections: Gallery and Functions. Both of them show a list with all widgets and functions existing within the Knowage installation. Details about Type and Tags/Keyword are given.
You are able to select interested elements to export. Is it possible to choose a subset or all and/or a mix between widgets and functions:
After the selection, is just necessary set a name for the export file and the operation will done.
Import Gallery
To use the import functionality is necessary to select the IMPORT button on the toolbar. A new popup window is so opened to choose the exported zip file obtained previously:
At this point, selecting the NEXT button is possible review all elements available and choose which of them you want really import in the target Knowage environment:
For last, is necessary click on the IMPORT button to start the real import activity.
At this point, widgets and functions will be available too in the target environment as you can see directly opening their specific guis:
This feature let you create and download a .zip of whole or a part of the documents existing in your Knowage installation. In this way you can upload it in another installation or keep it as backup.
When you import, all the “objects” associated to those documents (such as datasets, lovs, drivers, roles and folders) are created. Instead users, menu configurations, KPI, catalog, glossary and alert are not exported with this tool.
Let’s have a look on the steps to create the .zip.
Below we show the export editor.
First of all choose the name to give to your exportation (i.e. if you choose MyFirstExport, you will create the
Then select which documents do you want to export. You can browse the folder by clicking the folder icon. Choose the elements or folders you want to include by marking the related checkbox. A check in a parent folder will automatically select/deselect all its children folders/leaves.
When you have chosen a name and selected some documents, the export icon change colour from grey to pink. This means all elements are set to start exporting.
Before going on decide if you want to export Olap customized View and/or Scheduled documents and/or BIRT Translation and/or Schedule configurations and/or Document only in the selected functionality.
- Olap customized View
Checking this property the export will include all the customized views saved into the chosen OLAP documents. You can find the Customized View going on the OLAP Document Menu and clicking on Show OLAP custom View. See the figure below:
- Scheduled documents
Checking this property the export will include all the scheduled execution saved into the chosen documents. You can find the scheduled execution going on the Document Menu and clicking on Show Scheduled Execution. See the figure below:
- BIRT Translation
Checking this property the export will include all the translation added into ‘Localization’ functionalities of the BIRT templates.
- Schedule configurations
Checking this property the export will include all the schedulation associated to the chosen documents. At the end of the import you must have the schedulation saved into Scheduler section under the Tools area.
- Export the document only in the selected functionality
Checking this property the export will include documents only if they are inside a selected functionality.
- Related documents
Checking this property the export will include documents linked by cross navigation to the selected ones.
Now you are ready to click on the export icon to generate and download the .zip. Suppose you want to upload in another installation. Log in it and move to Server Manager > Import\Export Documents area Switch to the Import tab and click on Browse to accede your personal folders. In Figure below we show the document import interface.
Choose the .zip obtained from the Export phase and click on the import icon. Few steps guide you trough importation. You are asked to map from source to target: Roles, Engines, Datasources and Metadata.
If a role doesn’t map any of the existing in the target one, it will be created. Please pay attention before starting the import because target metadata will be overwritten: documents, lov, driver, etc. which has the same label of the exported ones will have metadata overwritten at the end of import procedure. After you have carefully checked, you can start import procedure by clicking on “START IMPORT”
Missing licenses If one or more license is not valid or missing, during export procedure you’ll be informed with an alert. Related documents cannot and won’t be exported.
Licenses are checked also during import procedure and, if one or more are missing or not valid, related documents will not be imported. These documents will be listed in the last phase before the beginning of the import procedure and for each one the invalid or missing license will be shown.
In this area you can export the users from an installation to another, see the following Figure.
To generate the .zip you have to mark the user to include in the export and insert an export name. Save the export in the folders of your pc and move to the other installation. You have the chance to include the personal folder of the chosen users in the Export. Put a mark in the Export Personal folder checkbox and choose if you want to include snapshots and subviews too.
To import the .zip in another installation, log in and open the Server Manager > Import\Export Users, switching to Import area. Here click on Browse to choose the .zip created by exportation. Then click on the import icon. The users contained in your file are uploaded and Catalogs displayed in the left side of the screen. Choose among the users displayed the one you want to import, mark them and click on the arrow to move them in the other side. Now click on Start import button and your users are successfully created in this installation too. Keep attention in marking personal folder checkbox if you want that personal folders are imported. In Figure below you can see User Import interface.
All users involved into import procedure will have his password changed with the value set in advanced configuration.
In this area you can export the different catalogs (such as datasets catalogs, business models catalogs and so on) from one installation to another, see the following Figure.
To generate the .zip you have to mark the elements to include in the export and insert an export name. Save the export somewhere in your local system and move to the other installation. You have the chance to include the personal folder of the chosen users in the Export. Put a mark in the Export Personal folder checkbox and choose if you want to include snapshots and subviews too.
To import the .zip in another instance, log in and open the Server Manager > Import\ Export Catalogs, switching to Import area. Here click Browse to choose the .zip created through exportation. Uploading the file, the available exported catalogs are displayed in the bottom area. Selecting a catalogs (for instance, the Dataset one), all the catalogs exported elements are displayed in the left side of the screen. Choose the ones that you want to import, decide if you want to override or to just add the missing ones and then click Start import. Your catalogs are successfully created in this environment. In Figure below you can see User Import interface.
In this section we describe how to manage the import/export of KPIs between two tenants.
The user must enter Knowage as administrator of source tenant and click on Import/Export KPIs from Server Manager menu panel.
The page contains the Export and the Import tab, where the user can select the KPIs for the export/import respectively.
Let’s start from the export feature. The user must check the KPIs for the export using the tab interface. He/she can add some more functionalities to the export action, namely:
to include targets,
to include those scorecards related to the selected KPIs,
to include schedulations.
Finally click on the red download button to get a zipped folder that will be used to conclude the export.
Once the .zip file is downloaded, the user has to switch tenant (the one on which he/she wants to do the import). As admin of the destination tenant, enter the Import/Export KPIs functionality and move to the Import tab.
The user must therefore browse the personal folder to catch the zipped folder and click on the red upload button just aside, as shown in the following figure.
Referring to the following image, the user has to specify if:
to overwrite the existing KPIs and their related formulas
to import targets,
to import scorecards,
to import schedulations.
Once the import is started, the GUI leads the user to finalize the import procedure. In particular, the user is asked to map data sources correctly (Figure below).
The process ends successfully when the wizard shows up as following.
Analytical Drivers
This option allows to import/export the analytical drivers and their related LOV.
As shown in Figure above, the window contains the Export and the Import tab. Use the Export tab to download the .zip file to be used in the import process.
To produce such a file, the user has to log in as administrator of the source tentant. Then he has to assign a name to the export, check the analytical drivers of interest and click on the red download button available at the top right corner of the page. Note that it is possible to slim down the research of the analytical drivers by filtering on their data of creation.
Switch tenant and log in as administrator. Use the Import tab to upload the zipped folder and finalize the import.
Use the GUI to upload the zipped folder, to specify if to overwrite on the existing analytical drivers or add missing. Then click on next and continue by mapping roles among tenants and data sources.
The process ends with a message containing the information about the import.
The export/import of glossary allows the user to align glossaries among tenants.
There are the two tabs of Export and Import. The user is asked to select the glossaries to export and to type a name that will be assigned to the zipped folder. The user can help himself/herself by using the filter on data (of creation of the glossary).
Once the user has got the zipped folder he/she must switch tenant and enter as its admin. Then select the import tab from the Export/Import main window.
The user must use the arrows to indicate the glossaries he/she wants to import in the target tenant. No further information are needed to end the process. Then the user has to enter the target tenant as administrator and use the import tab to finalize the import.
This functionality allows to Export/Import the following elements
Data sets,
Business models,
Mondrian catalogs,
SVG files.
The steps to perform the Export/Import are equal to those seen in the previous sections. Namely, the user has to enter the Import/Export catalog menu item from Server Manager menu panel. The window will contain the Import and Export tabs. The export tab is used to produce the zip folder to be imported in the tenant of interest. Note that the user can apply a temporal filter to help him/her to look up elements in the list.
The import requires the zipped folder to be uploaded, to check the elements to import, to map roles among tenants and to map datasources.