Server Settings =============== In this chapter we describe all functionalities available in Server Settings panel of the Administrator Menu shown below. .. figure:: media/image93.png Server Settings Panel. Similar editors give you access to configurations and domains. We are going to provide an example of both cases to let you understand how their management works. A complete overview of metadata creation, editing and management conclude this chapter. Configuration Management ------------------------- By clicking on the **Server Settings** > **Configuration Management**, you can manage many configuration elements. For example here you can set default language as well as mail settings. Start typing ``DEFAULT`` in the search form, as shown below, to filter among available items and find what you are interested it. .. figure:: media/image94.png Configuration categories list. We provide an example to let you understand the usage of the interface. Suppose you want to set italian as default language. Select the row with ``SPAGOBI.LANGUAGE_SUPPORTED.LANGUAGE``. default as label and click the pencil icon at the end of the row to edit the element. Insert ``it,IT`` as **Value Check** as click **Save**. You can view available languages and their code (**Value Check column)** in the row SPAGOBI.LANGUAGE_SUPPORTED.LANGUAGES. .. warning:: **Warning** Knowage Server may take up to 1 minute to apply the configuration changes. Domain Management ----------------- By clicking on **Domains Management** item menu, you can manage categories. In the figure below we show Domain Management editor. You can add for example new categories for a business model, for a dataset and for all domain you can see in the **Domain name column**. .. figure:: media/image95.png Domain management editor. We provide an example to describe how it works. Suppose you want to add a new category among the datasets, named “Costs”. Below you can see the categories already existing. .. figure:: media/image96.png Business Model Categories already existing. Click on the plus red button in the top right corner and by default a new page opens with the form you need to fill in. An example is shown in Figure below. Fill the columns as follow: .. figure:: media/image97.png Form to be filled to create a new category. - **Value code**: Costs - **Value name_image**: Costs - **Domain code**: CATEGORY_TYPE - **Domain name_image**: Costs Datasets - **Value description**: Costs Datasets All the values except the **Domain code** to you. the last are mandatory for correct configuration. Now Click on Save. You have successfully create your new dataset category. You can also modify an existing domain by selecting its dedicated row and clicking the edit button. Exporters Menu -------------- Exporters Menu is the new feature of Knowage. This feature allows administrator to configure the exporters of the documents. When you open this catalogue, on the left side you can see the list of created exporters and if you want to see the details of one of them or to change it, you can do that by selecting it in the list. You can add a new exporter by clicking on a plus icon. See the figure below. .. figure:: media/image101.png Adding new exporter. On the right side of catalogue you have two drop down menus where you can choose engine and exporter to link it with the engine. After you selected engine and exporter you can save it by clicking on a save button in the upper right corner. In the figure below you can see the example of creating new exporter. .. figure:: media/image102.png Creating new exporter. You also have possibility to change existing exporter and delete it. Metadata -------- Knowage offers the possibility to define metadata categories and then give them a value for each analytical document and for each subobject. In the metadata page, shown below, you can see the list of existing metadata. Here you can also define a new metadata using the dedicated button. .. figure:: media/image98.png List of existing metadata. You define a new metadata by giving it a **Label**, a **Name**, a **Description** and a **Type**. The **Label** is a unique identifier, the **Name** is what will be shown to the end user and the **Type** can be either ``SHORT TEXT`` or ``LONG TEXT``. We recall that metadata visibility is one of the authorization you can set while creating roles. Only the users associated to roles which have this authorization will view metadata. In addition, in order to edit metadata the user roles need to have another authorization called **Save Metadata**.