Welcome to Knowage’s official documentation¶
KNOWAGE is the professional open source suite for modern business analytics over traditional sources and big data systems. KNOWAGE is the new brand for SpagoBI project: this new brand marks the value of the well-known open source business intelligence suite after significant functional and technological transformations and a new offering model. The suite is composed of two main modules and four different plug-ins, each one conceived for a specific analytical domain.
The two modules are:
- ER (enterprise reporting), to produce and distribute static reports
- SI (smart intelligence), the usual business intelligence on structured data, but more oriented to self-service capabilities and agile prototyping
The four plug-ins that can added to Smart Intelligence module are:
- SD (smart data), to combine Solr index with other data sources and provide faceted views and full text search
- LI (location intelligence), to handle spatial data providing multi-layer maps where geographic information joins traditional data shown by other standard widgets
- PM (performance management), to define KPIs with thresholds, schedule their evaluation and publish them natively in a widget
- CA (custom analytics), to add what-if capabilities e take full advantage of R/python embedding possibilities
KNOWAGE supports a modern vision of the data analytics, providing new self-service capabilities that give autonomy to the end-user, now able to build his own analysis and explore his own data space, also combining data that come from different sources. If this is your first contact with KNOWAGE, it is highly recommended to have a look at the website.
KNOWAGE source code repository is available on GitHub! Visit the repository.